Benzalkonium Chloride (BKC) 50 ~ 80% CAS 63449-41-2
Benzalkonium Chloride yog cationic surfactant, non-oxidizing fungicide, nrog broad-spectrum thiab high-efficiency sterilization thiab algae tua muaj peev xwm, muaj peev xwm tswj tau cov kab mob thiab algae reproduction thiab slime loj hlob nyob rau hauv dej, thiab muaj slime tev nws muaj tej yam dispersing thiab Cov teebmeem osmotic, thiab muaj qee yam degreasing, deodorizing thiab corrosion-inhibiting teebmeem. Benzalkonium chloride muaj toxicity tsawg, tsis muaj cumulative toxicity, thiab yooj yim soluble hauv Chemicalbook dej, thiab tsis cuam tshuam los ntawm dej hardness. Yog li ntawd, nws yog dav siv nyob rau hauv circulating dej txias systems nyob rau hauv roj av, tshuaj, hluav taws xob fais fab, textile thiab lwm yam lag luam los tswj kev ncig. Cov kab mob thiab cov algae loj hlob hauv cov dej txias, uas muaj cov txiaj ntsig tshwj xeeb ntawm kev tua cov kab mob sulfate-txo cov kab mob. Benzalkonium chloride tuaj yeem siv los ua cov kab mob bactericidal thiab mildew-proofing agent, softener, antistatic agent, emulsifier, conditioner, thiab lwm yam.
Cov khoom | Index(50-80) | |
Qhov tshwm sim | Colorless to yellowish pob tshab kua/Powder | Colorless to yellowish pob tshab kua/Powder |
Cov ntsiab lus nquag% | 48-52 : kuv | 78-82 : kuv |
Amine ntsev% | 2.0 max | 2.0 max |
pH (1% dej tov) | 6.0 ~ 8.0 (keeb kwm) | 6.0-8.0 Nws |
1. Benzalkonium chloride bkc tuaj yeem siv los ua cov kab mob bactericidal, mildew inhibitor, softener, antistatic agent, emulsifier, regulator.
2. Sterilization algaecide: siv nyob rau hauv circulating dej txias, dej rau fais fab nroj tsuag thiab dej txhaj system ntawm roj teb.
3. Tshuaj tua kab mob & bactericide: siv rau kev kho mob thiab khoom siv kho mob; cov khoom siv ua zaub mov; qab zib ua kev lag luam; silkworm raising chaw thiab lwm yam.
200kgs / nruas, 16tons / 20'container